About Twitseek

Twitseek Logo

You’ve heard of Twitseek, but you don’t know what it’s all about. Read on…

Why the cheesy logo?
Because it makes the purpose of the site clear.

Sorry, what’s the purpose of the site?

It’s like Google, only for Twitter. It’s an attempt to present the results from a Twitter search in a different format. It’s information from Twitter that looks like information from Google. It should have been called Twiggle or Twoogle but it just didn’t sound right!

How is it different from search.twitter.com?
All links are exploded by default. All links are checked to obtain a description. This completely removes any unknown link destinations.

Like the expand feature on search.twitter.com?
Yes, like that, only this is default behaviour on twitseek.com.

How does this add value to Twitter?
It highlights users who are linking to items of interest to you, that you can then follow.

Aren’t you just scraping for ads?
We believe that twitseek.com adds value to search for Twitter. We also hope that the ads displayed are unobtrusive and relevant.

How does it work?
The site is very simple, if not stupid. It wouldn’t exist without MagpieRSS and it wouldn’t work without help from the community at StackOverflow.com.

Is that it?
You can read the launch post that announced that Twitseek is in Beta.

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