Mr GoodTweet Missses a Trick

It’s the post that could bring Twitter to it’s knees for the first time in long time.

With advice on reposting tweets and following as many people as you can, Looking for Mr. Goodtweet: How to Pick Up Followers on Twitter will no doubt a cause a peak of activity. The popularity of the post has already caused “Pick Up Followers” to be a trending term on Twitter.

“Tip 5: Always be Linking” includes the suggestion that “The Twitter pickup artist’s mantra is ABL (“Always Be Linking”)”. It then suggests various tools to find links that your Twitter following will appreciate.

Amazingly, Guy’s list of tools does not include Twitseek. He can be forgiven, he’s got a lot of tweets to get through on a daily basis.

Suggested Twitseek searches:

Add Twitseek to your pickup tools and, of course, follow mawawa.

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